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Day 16 In the Midst of Adversity

Writer's picture: Sean & Regina DaigreSean & Regina Daigre

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Daigre home flooded in 2001

Photo 1: Our home flooded in 2001 after the Comite River crested.

Blessings! We've made it to day 16 of 21 Days of Prayer. Adversity is an opportunity to do what’s possible. No one desires it and yet, it happens to everyone. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)" This passage makes it clear that both good times and bad times are on the way. But there is good news ~ remember, that for every negative experience we have God ordains a positive experience! This summer, we have witnessed a great deal of tragedy. Shocked by loss of life, growing hostility in our communities and now, flooding in my home state, Louisiana. And yet, we see and hear those directly affected making greater and greater declarations of faith, hope and dependence on God. Your response in the midst of adversity, causes you to see new possibilities that God is unfolding right before your eyes. Let me share with you my own personal experience with adversity.

In 2001, the flood gates of hell opened up in our lives.

Our marriage plunged; our home was flooded; the church in Baton Rouge

closed; and, then, the ultimate, a horrific SUV rollover automobile accident that nearly destroyed my entire family while driving on I-65 in route to Atlanta. Regina had several interviews as we were making plans to move to Atlanta. Our two sons were not injured. I experienced injuries like broken ribs, lacerations on the arm, and bruised lungs but no surgery was needed, only medical observation for a few days. Unfortunately, this was not the case for Regina. The hardest attack was on my wife. She experienced two concussions; a six-inch laceration in the top of her head; broken fingers, broken toes, broken fibula and tibia, a crushed wrist, a broken femur, a severely damaged left knee, and more. This was devastating for our family. It happened on our second son’s one-year old birthday.

Understand, your enemy will attack you in the midst of adversity. Once the enemy sees you down, he keeps coming back because the ultimate objective is to destroy you. When you’re going through adversity, listen for God’s voice. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27)”.

Over the next few months, we witnessed the power of God like never before. When Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 “… and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” we know that He is the solid rock. Although the enemy came at us, he had to flee because Jesus is the solid rock in our lives. Despite adversity, we pressed through and God restored our broken lives. My wife, Regina, fought the good fight of faith. When people visited her in the hospital, she prayed for them. I witnessed the power of the God’s grace and mercy like never before. He restored our hope. Then, He set us on a course to take a new direction because there are always possibilities in the midst of adversity. Our family relocated to southern metropolitan Atlanta in 2002 to begin a new life.

There is no education like adversity. –Disraeli

Turn your adversity into an education. These are lessons we learned in the midst of adversity:

In the midst of adversity, you have to fight back. In the midst of adversity, you have to speak words filled with faith. In the midst of adversity, you have to connect with the right people. In the midst of adversity, you will learn who your friends really are. In the midst of adversity, you will develop resilience. In the midst of adversity, you will find your way if you listen to the voice of God.

Let’s pray! Father, I am so glad that You are in control. No matter how bad things may get, I know You are watching over me. Thank you for giving me the strength and purpose to hold on to my confession of faith. Keep me from getting anxious and making poor decisions when I am tested. Teach me good things from these experiences so that I can be better. And as I learn to overcome, enable me to help others when they go through adversity. Comfort those who have lost friends and loved ones to tragic circumstances this summer. Provide food, shelter and clothing to those who have been impacted by the floods in Louisiana. Produce a surge of faith in our hearts that compels us to face adversity and overcome it. Lord, turn our weeping into laughter and our mourning into dancing. Today, we agree with I Peter 1:7, "That the trial of our faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ...". In Jesus's name, Amen!

~Inspiring Hope and Seasoning Faith, Pastor Sean & Dr. Regina Daigre

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